Starting your mornings with a wellness routine tailored to your schedule has a directly proportional impact on your attitude and choices throughout the rest of the day. Keep in mind that setting your alarm 30 minutes earlier is a beneficial action for your well-being. In fact, many times, given the hectic pace of our routines, prioritizing this moment will ensure you’ve had some time for yourself before starting your day.
We’re not talking about impossible things or perfect wellness routines like the ones we see on social media; we’re talking about 30 minutes where you can incorporate simple practices with a very positive effect on your body and mind. Here are our wellness recommendations:
- Invest in a sunlight alarm clock that gradually imitates the sunrise as naturally as possible. The morning light changes from the soft red of dawn to a warm orange and a bright yellow, allowing your body to wake up slowly, naturally, and without harsh sounds to ensure a smooth transition into the new day.
- The first thing we recommend when waking up is to drink a glass of warm water with lemon and apple cider vinegar. Hydrating your body is the most important step in a successful beauty routine, and apple cider vinegar will help control blood sugar spikes throughout the day.
- Next, make sure to move for at least 10 minutes. It’s clear that working out first thing in the morning is not for everyone, but doing. Controlled stretches or gentle movement is the best gift you can give your body. Additionally, if you use a mat from The House of Mats to help romanticize your routine, the experience will be even more enjoyable.
- When you’re done, don’t forget to dedicate 5 minutes to meditation. The Petit Bambou app can help guide you through this process as starting meditation is not always easy. However, if meditation isn’t for you, you can always replace it with breathwork exercises that you can apply throughout the day.
On top of that, it’s really helpful to spend at least a couple of minutes doing positive affirmations that will help you achieve both short- and long-term goals. If you’re unsure what we’re talking about, we recommend you exploring the world of manifesting. Roxie Nafousi and her book Manifesting can be great allies. Moreover, it’s much more powerful if you choose to write down this affirmation and add 3 more affirmations or goals for your day. This will help you set an intention and goal that will guide your actions. Being thankful and writing down your goals will help you maintain a positive attitude and a clear focus on where you’re heading.
Continuing with the morning ritual, it’s time for your skincare routine. Facial cleansing is essential, and the rest of the steps depend on your specific needs. However, we’d like to share our favorite recommendations:
Quinque’s Gentle Foaming Cleaner is an ideal option for cleansing your skin and getting rid of impurities accumulated overnight. Its texture is very pleasant, and it’s formulated with natural ingredients.
- Follow up with an eye contour product, such as Quinque’s Eye Contour Mask.
- Choose a serum full of antioxidants, adapting it to your skin’s specific needs. This is the most personalized step of the routine and will depend on what you want to improve or maintain in your skin at a given moment. Of course, it will change with the seasons.
- Finish with a moisturizing cream like Adesso Beauty’s Face Recovering Cream, which contains calendula extract to hydrate and soothe your skin on all levels.
- Finally, don’t forget sunscreen, even in the winter. Remember, even if you’re in the office all day, light reflected through a window can affect your skin, not to mention blue light. So, make sure your sunscreen has UV or VL on the label, as these protect against blue light.
After dedicating some time to your skincare routine, it’s time for breakfast, if you have it. Although this is a very personal decision, some people opt for intermittent fasting, while others, like myself, need to activate with a high-protein breakfast.
Choose a coffee or tea, and optimize it with one of Apih’s blends that cater to your needs by offering prebiotics, collagen, or adaptogens to help calm you down and fight cortisol. This way, you’ll be supporting your body’s journey toward wellness throughout the day. For breakfast, the options are endless, but always remember to include protein, fiber, and healthy fats to boost satiety and avoid snacking between meals. If you need ideas, here’s a link to this article from Elle, where you can find inspiration for your recipes. Get creative, alternate between sweet and savory, and include foods that support your microbiota.
After breakfast, it’s time to choose the clothes you’ll wear for the rest of the day. As you know, fashion is a direct communication tool with the world around us, so it’s important to take time choosing your outfit for the day. My recommendation is to pick your outfit the night before because, in the morning, you might not feel very inspired and may hesitate to try something new. However, a good strategy is to have a base outfit prepared, but leave room to choose accessories, shoes, and a bag based on how you feel when you wake up. Match your outfit to your mood and practice power dressing if you know you’ll need to step out of your comfort zone.
Once you’re ready, with your bag in hand, positive energy, and 30 minutes already invested in your well-being, you’re all set to start the day with attitude, purpose, and goals that you know you can achieve.
Are you ready to experience the reciprocity between fashion and wellness? Sowll will support you on this incredible journey!
Author: Mar Batlle